HYP03™ Diaper Rash Spray
- Lasts up to 600 sprays!
- Safe to use daily
- Prescription strength
- No mess – just spray!
- Sting free even on the most sensitive of parts
- Pediatrician recommended
Ionized water (99.918%), Sodium chloride (0.06%), Hypochlorous acid (0.018%), and Hypochlorite ion (0.004%)

2023 NAPPA Award Winner! Named one of the best products for “Baby”
Benefits & Features

How is HYP03 Different?

Heals, Soothes & Removes Germs

How is HYP03 Different?

HYP03 Daily Diaper Rash Spray Comparison
Zinc Oxide
Goes to the source and removes the germs quickly
Covers up the problem
Not messy
Convenient & hygienic spray application
Inconvenient rinse or wipe application
Everything you need to know about HYP03
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